A clear aligner, like Invisalign, may be the right alternative to braces for you. This option straightens teeth with a series of clear aligners similar to a retainer, and are lower maintenance than traditional braces. Contact us at 217-875-5020 for a consultation to...
Expert Dentist Solution in Southampton
Absolute Smile dental clinic is your Philadelphia, South Hampton & Bucks County dentist, providing quality dental care for children, teens, and adults.
Do I Need Braces?
Visiting an orthodontist can put your mind at ease because you can find out if and why you need braces, then determine what to do about it. Contact Henry Orthodontics for more information!
Why Choose Invisalign®?
Treatment with Invisalign® is more comfortable and convenient than traditional metal braces. Since the aligners are removable, your orthodontic treatment will not significantly affect your daily life. You can remove Invisalign® before brushing or flossing, making oral...
TMJ Treatment Charleston SC
Find out how Botox can effectively relieve TMJ syndrome, migraine headaches and a wide range of facial pain symptoms! Visit Tatum Dentistry in Charleston, SC, to resolve your symptoms & look great.
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